Aqua Zumba
Aqua Zumba® blends the Zumba® philosophy with water resistance. There is less impact on your joints during an Aqua Zumba® class so you can really let loose.
Water creates natural resistance, which means every step is more challenging and helps tone your muscles.
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BODYBALANCE™ is the Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates workout that builds flexibility and strength and leaves you feeling centered and calm.
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A high-energy martial arts-inspired workout that is totally non-contact. Punch and kick your way to fitness. No experience needed.
Learn moves from Karate, Taekwondo, Boxing, Muay Thai, Capoeira and Kung Fu.
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BODYPUMP™ is THE ORIGINAL BARBELL CLASS™, the ideal workout for anyone looking to get lean, toned and fit – fast.
Using light to moderate weights with lots of repetition, BodyPump gives you a total body workout.
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Body Sculpt
Body sculpting (or core conditioning) is a non-aerobic, muscle-toning class, usually focused on core strength
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Les Mills Tone combines blocks of strength, cardio and core training into one complete and convenient workout.
A Les Mills Tone workout includes a mix of exercises to work the whole body and elevate the heart rate. The multi-peak workout helps burn calories and build fitness and strength while improving energy levels, flexibility, balance, agility and core strength.
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Boot Camp
A physical training programme designed to build strength and fitness through a variety of intense group interval training exercises.
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Cardio Conditioning
Cardio conditioning is a form of exercise which is designed to promote cardiovascular health.
Classes target your whole body, using lots of different muscles to strengthen, shape, and tone your body.
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Dancercise can help you become fitter and more flexible in both body and mind, whatever your present level of fitness and flexibility. It doesn’t matter that you haven’t danced before. The dance moves are based on simple steps, that build into routines, and both the dance moves and floor exercises can be modified to specifically suit your needs.
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HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
An intense workout to provide ultimate fat burning and metabolism boosting, long after you have finished working out. Your cardiovascular health and all-round fitness will be improved through an advanced form of interval training, with alternating periods of short, intense exercise and less intense recovery periods.
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HIITSTEP is a 30-minute HIIT exercise class using only bodyweight and a step. It has been developed using the expertise and experience from those that have competed for and worked with Team GB!
Designed to bespoke soundtracks HIITSTEP is a high energy class that pushes you to new limits.

Indoor Cycling
Suitable for all abilities as you work at your own level.
A great cardiovascular workout on a stationary bike. A high-intensity cycling class builds up endurance, strengthens the core and tones your muscles.
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Intro Classes Rochdale
Group exercise can be a little daunting sometimes, these short 30 minute classes can be a great way to build confidence and give a flavour of what the whole group exercise experience is like. Meet the instructors, learn the basics and setup. learn the health benefits and have fun and meet new people.
Suitable for all abilities as you work at your own level.
Book online or contact 01706 926000
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Intro Classes Heywood
Group exercise can be a little daunting sometimes, these short 30 minute classes can be a great way to build confidence and give a flavour of what the whole group exercise experience is like. Meet the instructors, learn the basics and setup. learn the health benefits and have fun and meet new people.
Suitable for all abilities as you work at your own level.
Book online or contact 01706 924000
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Kettlebell Training in a friendly group atmosphere, traditionally uses heavier weights to increase strength and power and often involves numbers of repetitions.
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Legs, Bums & Tums (LBT)
A class that exercises your lower half to help tone and shape.
LBT is one of the most popular fitness classes offering participants, of all standards and abilities, a lower body floor exercise workout designed to tone-up and tackle those problem areas.
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An exercise class to improve core strength, flexibility and posture.
Pilates places emphasis on postural alignment, breathing, core strength and inproving coordination and balance.
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Combine salsa dance and group exercise to improve your fitness level and feel great.
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Tabata training is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout featuring exercises that last four minutes.
If you want to increase strength, lose weight, improve flexibility or build muscle, try these classes where you push yourself as hard as you can for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds. completing eight sets of each exercise.
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Tai Chi
The slow and graceful movements of tai chi seem to involve little effort but the increased stamina that results helps to create a real sense of well-being and improved muscle control.
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Total Abs
Total abs is an ab tone and definition orientated programme based on some of the best no-equipment ab exercises.
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Yoga is a great exercise to improve flexibility, strength and to tone the muscles.
Flexibility, strength, balance and core stability is greatly improved through a range of breathing techniques, fluid movements and relaxation.
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Zumba classes mix low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party.
A total workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility, boosted energy and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class.
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