- An all inclusive Your Trust memberships (Plus, Extra, Flexi & Corporate) provides you with:
1.1 Unlimited access to Your Trust fitness suites at Middleton Arena, Heywood Sports Village, Littleborough Sports Centre and Rochdale Leisure Centre.
1.2 Unlimited Swimming at Middleton Arena, Heywood Sports Village and Rochdale Leisure Centre during public swim sessions.
1.3 Unlimited fitness classes at Middleton Arena, Heywood Sports Village, Littleborough Sports Centre and Rochdale Leisure Centre. Subject to availability.
1.4 Unlimited access of the steam rooms at Middleton Arena and Heywood Sports Village and the Thermal Suite at Rochdale Leisure Centre. Please follow the etiquette and conditions of use displayed within each area.
1.5 Your Trust members are able to book for classes up to 8 days prior to the class. The booking policy must be followed and is available from reception at each Your Trust leisure centre
1.6 An opportunity to complete a tailor made fitness programme with regular reviews. These sessions must be booked through the gym team and are subject to availability. - All members are responsible for complying with the following terms and conditions, which are in place for the enjoyment and safety of Your Trust members and staff.
- Your Trust facilities should be used in accordance to the gym etiquette rules displayed and as below:
3.1 Your membership card/band must be produced upon entry to the centre, gym, steam rooms and thermal suite. Your membership record must have a photograph on it.
3.2 Failure to produce a membership card will result in full admission being charged or entry denied.
3.3 Any booking made using a Your Trust card or booking number and any subsequent charge owing is the responsibility of the person to whom the card is issued.
3.4 The management has the right to refuse admission.
3.5 Misconduct can result in the loss of the card, suspension or termination of the membership.
3.6 Lost cards are replaced at a charge of £3 - Your Trust reserves the right to make changes to the programming of the Health and Fitness facilities and services.
- Your Trust endeavour to ensure that all fitness facilities, classes and equipment are available during the advertised opening times.
However, occasionally, due to circumstances beyond our control, facilities or equipment may be unavailable or classes cancelled. These circumstances have been calculated within the membership fees. - Your Trust membership Direct Debit contracts offer an easy monthly payment scheme. The cost is spread over 1/12 monthly instalments (dependent on membership type). Payments are collected by Debit Finance Collections.
6.1 A member may pay the remaining balance of their contract at any time. This is a rolling contract and payments continue into month 2/13 (dependent on membership type).
6.2 The member must notify Debit Finance Collections with one months notice that they wish to cancel after the initial contract period. The contract does not automatically terminate after the final contractual payment.
6.3 A contract may be cancelled once the final contractual payment has been made. This requires one months notice in writing to Debit Finance (e-mail info@debitfinance.co.uk) or by calling 01908 422007.
6.4 Memberships are not transferable but in extreme circumstances and in writing, it may be considered. In each case, the management’s decision is final.
6.5 Your Trust reserves the right to increase monthly membership fees once in every 12 month period. Members who do not wish to accept an increase in subscription may cancel their membership by giving written notice. The member giving notice must continue to pay subscriptions at the rate current immediately prior to any proposed increase until the end of such notice period.
6.6 Should a membership be frozen within the initial membership term then 12 full monthly installments must still be paid. - Collecting your monthly subscriptions.
7.1 Debit Finance Collections (DFC) is our agent for the collection of your monthly subscriptions. DFC will collect your subscription monthly in advance on our behalf by Direct Debit.
7.2 If you fail to make a payment on time, you will incur the following charges:
7.2.1 Fail to pay the subscription on the due date £15.00.
7.2.2 Fail to pay the missed subscription within 7 days of the date of a reminder correspondence £30.00.
7.2.3 Fail to pay the arrears and accrued charges within 7 days of the date of a Final Notice £45.00.
7.3 Late payment charges become payable immediately when they are incurred. - Explanation of other costs:
7.1 Start-up Fee – This payment covers the cost of associated start-up costs of setting up a new membership.
7.2 Pro Rata – This payment covers the cost of using the facilities straight away, until the first payment is made, this must be paid to the membership consultant/reception on our first visit to the centre. - Access control:
9.1 The management reserve the right to terminate or temporarily suspend the membership of any person. Breaching rules and regulations, or for any other reason the management deems appropriate. During suspension the member will continue to be charged membership fees if within contract. - Health Commitment Statement
Your health is your responsibility. The management and staff of Your Trust are dedicated to helping you take every opportunity to enjoy the facilities and services that we offer. With this in mind, we expect the following commitments:
10.1 Our commitment to you;
10.1.1 We will respect your personal decisions, and allow you to make your own decisions about what exercise you can carry out. However, we ask you not to exercise what you consider to be your own abilities.
10.1.2 We will make every reasonable effort to make sure that our equipment and facilities are in a safe condition for you to use and enjoy.
10.1.3 We will take all reasonable steps to make sure that our staff are qualified to the fitness industry standards as set out by CIMPSA and that they hold current insurance and an emergency first aid qualifications.
10.1.4 We will consider all requests for reasonable adjustments due to a disability, and will consider what, if anything, we are able to offer while maintaining a safe and appropriate class. Where the requested activity is not suitable due to disability or health conditions, we will make every effort to offer a suitable alternative. If at any time our instructor feels that the class is not safe for you to participate in then we reserve the right to ask you not to continue to participate.
10.2 Your commitment to us;
10.2.1 You should not exercise beyond your own abilities. If you know or are concerned that you have a medical condition that might interfere with you exercising safely, before you use our equipment and facilities you should get advice from a relevant medical professional.
10.2.2 You should make yourself aware of any rules and instructions, including warning notices Exercise carries its own risks. You should not carry out any activities which you have been told are not suitable for you.
10.2.3 You should let us know immediately if you feel ill when using our equipment or facilities. Our staff members are not qualified doctors, but there will be a person available who has first-aid training.
10.2.4 You must follow any reasonable instructions to allow you to exercise safely. - Membership with eligibility criteria:
10.1 If you join on a membership that requires an eligibility criteria to be met, proof of eligibility must be provided when initially joining.
10.2 Your Trust reserves the right to request proof of membership eligibility at various intervals throughout your membership. - Premier Membership:
12.1 Access to the following additional benefits:
Les Mills On Demand content via the Your Trust app. For further additional benefits, visit www.yourtrustrochdale.co.uk/memberships - Ladies Only Membership:
13.1 Access to the Ladies Only Gym and Changing Room at Rochdale Leisure Centre only
13.2 Access to Gym as per scheduled programme. - Swim Only Membership:
14.1 Access to the pools at Heywood Sports Village, Middleton Arena and Rochdale Leisure Centre during public, family and lane swim sessions. - Junior Memberships (Ages 10 – 14):
15.1 All under 14’s must complete the Junior screening and consent forms. These must be completed by the Member’s parent/guardian.
15.2 Junior fitness sessions must be booked in advance and all participants must complete the relevant Junior induction process prior to booking onto open sessions. - Fitness Suite Induction:
16.1 Your Trust provide a fitness suite induction upon request.
16.2 It is compulsory to be inducted on the use of PowerplatesTM prior to use.
16.3 Members aged between 10 and 16 years of age must have an induction prior to commencing exercise within the fitness suite. - General Information:
17.1 All users of Your Trust must observe the rules and comply with any directions the management may give to ensure the smooth, safe and efficient operation of the site. Your Trust reserve the right to alter and amend these rules at any time.
17.2 Your Trust members should inform their home site of any changes in their personal details. - Data Protection:
18.1 Full details of how we manage your personal data can be found in our Privacy Policy. View the policy at www.yourtrustrochdale.co.uk/privacy-policy