Do you want to know how to discover people, tales and events in Rochdale’s past?
Join us as we chat to the wonderful ladies at Local Studies, who discuss how the immense breadth of our archives can open up a brand new world that many don’t even know exists!
Listen in as Shakra and Janet talk about the work they do with children and adults alike to give the community a sense of place and connection, as they uncover the hidden treasures located in the Local Studies Centre.
Hosted by Touchstones’ Bryan Beresford, Richard Philbin and Katie Roberts.
Joined by:
Janet Byrne – Local Studies Supervisor
Shakra Butt – Local Studies Assistant
This week’s objects include a mugshoot book, the book of Short History of Miss Joanna Worth, and the Annals of Rochdale. These pictures were provided by Rochdale Local Studies Centre 2023.

This podcast was produced by Carlie Foster for Audio Always, thanks to support from Audio Always’ Manchester Amplified programme.
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