Can a simple van foster meaningful relationships, spark conversations and allow access to art which truly matters?
Join us as we chat to Sarah Taylor about Touchstones’ Collections on Tour programme, bringing art, such as the wonderful work of Lowry, to the heart of the community.
In this episode we explore the local community’s active participation in the arts, find new fun and fabulous ways to sustain the valuable connection between spaces and the community and uncover the tale of creating a museum without walls!
Hosted by Touchstones’ Bryan Beresford, Richard Philbin and Katie Roberts.
Joined by:
Sarah Taylor – Community Development Organiser for Arcon Housing (
This weeks object was a painting from LS Lowry named Our Town. This picture was taken at the Collection on Tour event with Arcon Housing in 2022:

This podcast was produced by Carlie Foster for Audio Always, thanks to support from Audio Always’ Manchester Amplified programme.